We’re very proud of announcing that April Koury, alumnus and former GA of the program, has just started to work at Fast Future. And she’s sharing a little bit about her work and advices for current students with us.
I’m thrilled to be working with a futurist and speaker as prominent as Rohit. My job currently involves a lot of social media management – I’ll be designing a new website for Fast Future, I’m running/fixing up the company’s Facebook & Google+ pages, I’m pulling together all of Rohit’s interviews & speaking engagements on a YouTube channel, uploading all of the company’s presentations & reports on SlideShare, and best of all, I’m constantly scanning for interesting hits to tweet about (follow us @fastfuture).
As the research assistant, when client jobs come in I’m responsible for a lot of scanning, researching, dreaming up implications, and writing for presentations and publication. Additionally, Rohit and I are co-authoring the introduction to ‘FutureShape – The Best of Futures Thinking’, a collaborative book comprising of 60 futurists that have written short articles on a broad range of futures topics, due for publication in June 2015.
Her advice to current students:
- Be willing to constantly learn and adapt – I’m not just a futurist. In all of my futures positions, I’ve been an assistant, a researcher, a media maven, I’ve learned basic HTML & java to fix websites, I’ve blogged, I’ve worked on presentations for big clients, I’ve set up meetings, I’ve run AdobeConnect and hated its guts.
- Be patient – Foresight is a small field, so be patient when trying to find a job. I graduated
summer 2014 and I was hired just last week.
- Use your professors – Not only are they all incredible mentors who teach you how to be a futurist, they’re also great for jobs because they probably know of futurists looking to hire. Keep up the good work in their classes and they’ll be excellent references. Thanks Andy for helping me land this job!
- And maybe… Learn a little bit about building up a social media presence – getting my current position & my past awesome internship was partly because I had experience with social media management.
You can get to know more about Fast Future’s work using the links below:
Twitter: @FastFuture
YouTube Channel in the ‘Playlists’: http://bit.ly/17zWvrV
SlideShare: http://slidesha.re/1JOkDII
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1FY12mE
Google+: http://bit.ly/1FuYsAY