About Andy

Andy Hines is Program Coordinator at the University of Houston’s Foresight Program in and is also speaking, workshopping, and consulting through his new firm Hinesight. His 20 plus years of professional futurist experience includes a decade’s experience working inside first the Kellogg Company and later Dow Chemical, and consulting work with Coates &Jarratt, Inc. and Social Technologies. His books include Thinking About the Future, 2025: Science and Technology Reshapes US and Global Society, and a new one coming soon on the future of consumer values. Recent media appearances include Coast to Coast radio, KUHT-8 Public Television on the Future of Jobs, and KRIV-26 News talking about the future of libraries. In his spare time, he is working on a PhD on “Integrating Foresight into Organizations.”

How the technium helped me to think critically about technology

One of the most significant ideas that Kelly proposes is that tools (technologies) never die. “Technologies are idea based, and culture is their memory.”

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