About Foresight

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So far Foresight has created 93 blog entries.

Anxiety, Depression, and Foresight: Why we need to be careful with our practice, and how we can help.

The COVID-19 pandemic has given us a lot to talk about.  Most of it amounted to little more than amateur prognostication or low-risk forecasting - the future of work will have more remote employment…oh, you don’t say?  Some of it was outright catastrophizing – make sure you stock up on your emergency seeds!!  Amidst all the things that we could talk about (while we had nothing else to do), was the topic of mental health. 

2021-07-09T08:56:25-05:00Categories: Student Work|Tags: |

Heather Benoit, grad, Sr. Managing Director, Strategic Foresight

Congratulation to Foresight graduate Heather Benoit, now the Senior Managing Director, Strategic Foresight for Strategic Government Resources!

Zen and the Art of Gambling: Pt 2

In Texas Hold’em we start every hand only knowing our own starting hand. We do not know exactly what our opponents have, and we don’t yet know the flop, the turn or the river. They represent the future. What lays between us and what happens after the river card is a near endless possible number of outcomes.

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