Welcome to the UH Foresight Blog
Oh no! Everything on TV is a repeat!
Today the main topic for many people is the coronavirus, COVID-19, which has affected arguably all of us. Certainly it has affected everyone in the [...]
Science Fiction as Foresight online conference – April 18th
This free online event will explore the boundary spaces between Science Fiction & Foresight, showing how each field can enrich the other: https://bit.ly/SF-as-F-2020-reg Presenters - [...]
Futurists vs Strategists: The Fusion of both Roles to Survive in the VUCA World
The aim of this blog is not just to highlight the differences between strategists and futurists or to highlight which role is more important than [...]
Futurists For When You Can See Down the River, but You Can’t See Around the Bend
There are many perceived traits about people who call themselves Ozarkians, but I don’t think you could really call yourself an Ozarkian without ever having [...]
One Perspective on Becoming a Strategic Foresight Practitioner: From Katherine Prince
The following is a guest blog from Katherine Prince One Perspective on Becoming a Strategic Foresight Practitioner @katprince @knowledgeworks Soon after I joined KnowledgeWorks, an [...]
2020 Spring Gathering Cancelled
We didn’t want to do it…but under new US and UH guidelines, plus most of our attendees under travel restriction, we have decided to cancel [...]
Student Sarah Leedberg addresses “Is capitalism up to the task?”
No. No, because capitalism that serves the people must be based on a moral foundation of serving the people. The western-style capitalist model has become [...]
Houston Foresight trains the trainers in Abu Dhabi
Certificate Course Group Picture Andy Hines and I traveled to Abu Dhabi the week of February 16 to teach the Houston Foresight certificate [...]
Student Work: A Love Letter to Foresight
Natalie Pacheco, eid 66340, USAA employee, formal portrait, on blue Dear Foresight, I remember the first time I saw you. My friends and [...]
Spring Gathering [almost] Final Agenda
Our Annual Spring Gathering is an opportunity for our extended futures family to come together and socialize, and dig a little deeply in new, emerging, [...]
Alum Daniel Riveong wins APF Most Significant Futures Work Award
In the category of better late than never, I am pleased to announce that alum Daniel Riveong won a 2019 for his work with [...]
NEW third session: Register for Aug 10-14 Certificate in Foresight
Right on the heels of a sold-out January seminar (shout out to our awesome participants and instructors for a successful seminar!) and a quickly filling [...]