Welcome to the UH Foresight Blog
Announcing the Houston Foresight Spring Gathering 2019
It’s time to lock in the dates for next year’s Spring Gathering, so block your calendar for Friday April 12 and Saturday April 13th. The [...]
Hines new Editor-in-Chief at On the Horizon
Foresight Program Coordinator Andy Hines needs your help in exploring the future of learning and education! Hines says: “I firmly believe that the future needs [...]
Building capacity for Transformation
Building Capacity for Transformation, this summer’s Foresight elective (still in progress) is being taught by futurist Cecily Sommers. It fits perfectly with my intent to [...]
Forest Futures: Take the Nature Chill Pill
My biggest take-away from American History, Prehistory to 1877, was that Ben Franklin liked to get naked in his upstairs window and take “air baths” [...]
Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Award
The School of International Futures has announced The Joseph Jaworski Next Generation Foresight Practitioners Award. This is a new annual award recognizing the next generation’s endeavors in shaping [...]
A Unique (possibly crazy) Course of Study
The UH Foresight program made it onto a list of 25 unique and possibly crazy courses of study put out by “The Best Schools.” They [...]
Foresight in the Wakandan Age of Pan-Africanism
Embed from Getty Images In case you haven't noticed, the African diaspora has been having something of a moment. Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, in his [...]
Forest Futures: The Women Who Marry Trees
Florida Woman Marries Tree! It sounds like the kind of story you find on the skeeziest daytime talk-shows, featuring a disturbed woman overacting her exhuberance [...]
Futurist in Media: Futurists and AI
April’s topical focus for futurists in the media was artificial intelligence (AI) and the implications of replacing jobs with capable technologies. Preparing for new jobs [...]
Forest Futures: The Coming Caravan Culture
I am a flatlander. I grew up at sea level, and as much as I love hiking and mountains, even when I was younger I [...]
Futurists in Media: A Cryptocurrency Bump
March had a bump in articles related to foresight in the media. The kay factor in the increase was interest in future currencies. As the [...]
The Future is Coming: Are you Ready?
Ready or not, the future is coming. And it’s coming with such rapidity that those not ready for it may soon find themselves struggling for [...]