
Welcome to the UH Foresight Blog

How to Make the Perfect Batch of Chocolate Chip Cookies: Follow a proven recipe to market your expertise and build your credibility as a professional futurist

Guest Contributor Stephen Dupont, APR, Fellow PRSA Stephen Dupont, APR, Fellow PRSA, is a professional communicator and foresight strategist based in Minneapolis-St. Paul. He writes [...]

May 20th, 2024|Categories: Foresight|

Foresight’s Foundation for a Design Economics Framework: How existing frameworks can guide economics to better futures

Guest Contributor Vinny Tafuro, Futurist & Economist Vinny is a founder of the Institute for Economic Evolution. A polymath and curious by nature, he is [...]

May 16th, 2024|Categories: Alumni Highlight, Foresight, Student Work|Tags: |

Houston Foresight Spring Gathering 2025: Biggest and Baddest Yet!

More than 100 students, alumni, and friends of the University of Houston Foresight program met in Houston for the 2024 Spring Gathering to explore Being [...]

April 28th, 2024|Categories: Event, Spring Gathering|Tags: , , , , |

Guest Post: Call it Everything Change

Dave Bengston is an environmental futurist and social scientist with the Strategic Foresight Group, Northern Research Station, US Forest Service in St. Paul, MN.  He [...]

March 18th, 2024|Categories: Certificate Program, Foresight|Tags: , , , , , |

Houston Foresight @ SWSW & SWSWEDU

Visiting #SWSW or #SWSWEDU? Be sure to check out our University of Houston Foresight Program students and alumni! We love what our people are up [...]

Activation Lab Highlight: Student Opportunities

As the program continues to build out our new Foresight Activation Lab, one of the big focuses is on getting our students real world experience. At [...]

January 30th, 2024|Categories: Activation Lab, Foresight, Foresight Students|Tags: , , , , |

Imagining After Capitalism article

A new Imagining After Capitalism article is out in the Journal of Futures Studies (JOFS). It is the [plant-based] meatiest piece I’ve put out so [...]

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