Welcome to the UH Foresight Blog
Houston Foresight 2017 Research Projects
The Houston Foresight Program continues to develop its research capability, drawing on our network of faculty, alums, and, of course, the students. We completed a [...]
Houston Foresight Fall 2017 Newsletter
Before we jump into 2018, let’s look back at some of the key highlights from the Fall 2017_HDCS Outlook_Newsletter_FORESIGHT put out by our Department. This [...]
“Do it for the ‘Gram:” Forest Recreation in the Age of Social Media
National Forests and public lands are experiencing increasing recreational visitation and this trend is expected to continue into the future. Forest Service managers strive to [...]
Winter is Coming, and so is UH Foresight Certificate boot camp registration deadline!
Everyone gets very busy this time of year, as the days start to get colder. We just want to let you know that there is [...]
Futurists and Speakers Bureaus
In my first blog, I mentioned that several other career fields began around the same time as futurist, and I queried why they might be [...]
The Vertical Forest
First we had vertical farms, and now….vertical forests! The Forest Futures scanning team found the following scanning hit: Forest in the sky: Residential tower blocks [...]
FIM October Highlights
Alida Draudt had a piece in Slate that piece observing that futurists industry are overwhelmingly white and male. It caused a stir on the APF [...]
The Coming Age of … Wood?!
On my bookshelf, surrounded by scores of futures books, is a 1949 volume published by Simon and Schuster and authored by Egon Glesinger. The book [...]
Welcome to our Fall 2017 New Foresight Students
Each semester UH welcomes students new to the Graduate Foresight program who come from differing backgrounds, life experiences, undergraduate and sometimes other graduate programs interested [...]
2018 Foresight Certificate Boot Camp Wants YOU!
Are you ready for January 2018 UH Foresight Certificate boot camp? Your five-day journey through Foresight techniques will take place January 15-19, 2018 at the [...]
Specialty Futurists
Having been working on this project with Dr. Hines for several months now, I thought I would discuss the articles that have really piqued my [...]
“Scanning the Fringe” call for presenters
We are looking forward to seeing you at the 2018 Spring Gathering themed "Scanning the Fringe." We will do our usual dinner and social on [...]