Welcome to the UH Foresight Blog
First Impressions of our "Futurists in Media" Scanner
When I began this project of searching for mentions of futurist in the media, I was interested to see that there were no articles over [...]
Tech 1313 Explores Jobs and Robots
The Houston Foresight Program introduces futures thinking into a few undergrad glasses. One is led by Alexandra Whittington called TECH 1313 (The Impact of Modern [...]
First impressions of futurists in the media
As the new Fall 2018 FIM researcher, I thought I would share some first impressions. Almost all the articles about futurists have been positive or [...]
Student Craig Perry's Review of Superforecasting in APF Compass
In the July 2017 issue of the APF's Compass, foresight student Craig Perry reviews Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction, by Phillip E. Tetlock and [...]
Houston Foresight Produces On the Horizon Special Issue: Student Needs 2025
Houston Foresight advances its endeavor to produce high-quality foresight work that helps businesses, governments, institutions and even students anticipate and prepare for the future by [...]
Introducing Kimberly Daniels as the Fall 2017 Foresight GA
The baton has passed once again to a new GA this Fall – introducing Kimberly Daniels! Kimberly is a full-time student that recently relocated to [...]
The 2017 APF Seattle Gathering: Global Health Futures
Attendance by some at this year's Association of Professional Futurists (APF) conference, held in Seattle, WA July 27-29, was delightfully nostalgic on one hand, and [...]
Apple in the Forest
Foresight is about aligning decisions in the present with the future that is emerging, something Apple has been doing, to some extent, over the decades. At [...]
Houston Foresight Spring 2017 Newsletter
Just realized that I neglected to post the Spring Newsletter put out by our Department. This issue includes: Foresight: A Description of the Field, by student [...]
Forest Futures: Economic Growth or Degrowth?
Since the 1972 publication of Donella Meadow's Limit to Growth, many proponents of long-term future sustainability and the survival of man given the steady depletion [...]
After Capitalism: Post Growth Economy
In the 1921 Czech play called “R.U.R.”, a scientist decries that his robots are used as war machines. The scientist envisioned robots as emancipating humans [...]
Forest Futures Newsletter, vol. 1, no. 1
As part of a collaborative research project between the University of Houston's Foresight program and the US Forest Service in setting up a Horizon Scanning system [...]