
Welcome to the UH Foresight Blog

Foresight Students join Foresight Fridays at NIOSH

NIOSH has been running a monthly Foresight Friday meeting that brings together those interested in the future within NIOSH. The Houston Foresight program ran a [...]

November 12th, 2021|Categories: Foresight Students, Research, Student Work, Talks|Tags: |

Alum Jim Lee Wins Nationwide Investment Strategy Competition

Congratulations to alum, futurist, and financial advisor Jim Lee. Lee, founder of Wilmington, DE-based Strategic Foresight Investing (StratFI) took first place in the equity-focus strategies category. His [...]

September 27th, 2021|Categories: Alumni Highlight, Foresight|Tags: |

APF Student Recognition: 1st place tie goes to UH students!

Congrats to students Heather Benoit Kampa and JT Mudge for both receiving 1st place in the Association of Professional Futurists' Masters Individual category.

August 20th, 2021|Categories: Foresight Students, Student Work|Tags: , |

Anxiety, Depression, and Foresight: Why we need to be careful with our practice, and how we can help.

The COVID-19 pandemic has given us a lot to talk about.  Most of it amounted to little more than amateur prognostication or low-risk forecasting - the future of work will have more remote employment…oh, you don’t say?  Some of it was outright catastrophizing – make sure you stock up on your emergency seeds!!  Amidst all the things that we could talk about (while we had nothing else to do), was the topic of mental health. 

July 9th, 2021|Categories: Student Work|Tags: |

Heather Benoit, grad, Sr. Managing Director, Strategic Foresight

Congratulation to Foresight graduate Heather Benoit, now the Senior Managing Director, Strategic Foresight for Strategic Government Resources!

June 8th, 2021|Categories: Alumni Highlight, Foresight, Foresight Students|Tags: , |

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