How the technium helped me to think critically about technology

One of the most significant ideas that Kelly proposes is that tools (technologies) never die. “Technologies are idea based, and culture is their memory.”

2022-05-19T20:50:29-05:00Categories: Student Work|Tags: , , , , , |

Life, Liberty, and Foresight: The Ultimate Trifecta

I have been asking my professors how foresight has been kept such a secret for eight-plus decades and why it is so often approached in isolation of other closely related disciplines.

Watch: APF Awards Ceremony feat. Students Heather Benoit Kampa & JT Mudge

APF held its End of Year Awards Ceremony celebrating the Student Recognition Program and awarding both Foresight students JT Mudge and Heather Benoit Kampa first place (yep, they tied!).

2022-01-10T10:01:56-06:00Categories: Event, Foresight Students, Houston Futures News, Student Work|Tags: |
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