Dr. Bishop traveled to Vilnius, Lithuania last week as the Co-Supervisor of a doctoral dissertation at the ISM School of Management on the use of foresight in small- and medium-sized enterprises. While he was there, he delivered the opening keynote address to new and continuing doctoral students on their first day of school. After that, he appeared at the Final Event of the European Foresight Platform where he appeared on a panel with Ruben Nelson from Foresight Canada and Juha Kaskinen from the Finland Futures Research Center on the university’s contribution to addressing Grand Challenges. Dr. Bishop made a plea to our European colleagues that discussing policy with decision makers is fine, but that they should also focus on the next generation of citizens and decision makers in the schools if foresight is ever to become an integral part of governance systems. In short, “We should teach as much about the future as we do about the past.”