About a month ago, I had the privilege to present some of the work from my University of Houston project on the future of locative media (implications of location-aware mobile devices, etc.) as part of the “Best of Houston Futures” panel at the World Future Society’s annual conference. The panel was great, and I can’t say enough good things my classmates/friends/copresenters (check out the that link for their presentations).
I posted my slides to Slideshare right after the talk, but, like all good powerpoint slides, they are sexy visual aids for the presentation — they don’t actually contain the depth of content in the actual speech. Thanks to the generosity of the good folks at the World Future Society and IntelliQuest Media (THANK YOU!), I was able to secure permission to use the official conference recording to turn my slides into a freely available slidecast. If you have any interest in location, mobile devices, and the future, check them out below! Location-aware mobile computing, geosocial services, prosumption and co-creation, and location as currency with a sprinkling of ownership, privacy, and subtle control… expect all that and more! (but no augmented reality goggles).
[Cross-posted from The Futures Underground]