Congratulations to our Spring 2014 graduates: Jim Breaux and Jason Swanson. It is always fulfilling to see students graduate, but I think we all feel a tinge of sadness at losing these guys as students. From the teaching/admin side, it’s such a pleasure to have students get really involved, going beyond just the classroom, to showing up at extra-curricular activities, whether it’s our Spring Gathering, the WFS or APF events. Jim and Jason were always there and with a great attitude and energy. The first time I met Jim, for instance, was at McAlister’s Deli, to grab a bite before a presentation by Ray Kurzweil. I had interacted with Jason many times virtually, before he came to a Spring Gathering and visited with us in person and revealed some impressive body art. Perhaps most remarkable of all was that they both had demanding full-time jobs, but their enthusiasm for the future pushed them to get the most of the program.

Jim Breaux

Jim Breaux

Jason Swanson

Jason Swanson

The best news is that typically active students become active alums and stay involved in the community. We’ll see both of them at the WFS conference this summer. And Jim will be teaching an undergrad class this fall, taking over for another alum, Garry Golden (thanks to Garry for tutoring Jim last semester and keeping it in the family!). Andy Hines